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Confidence Hypnosis & Meditation MP3 Special Offer

Confidence Hypnosis & Meditation MP3 Special Offer
£97.00 GBP £165.30 GBP


  • 14 Hypnosis & Meditation MP3 Titles and 2 eBooks by Glenn Harrold.
  • Glenn's highly acclaimed vocal techniques guiding you into a completely relaxed state of mind & body.
  • Stereo-echoed affirmations, which pan from ear-to-ear across the stereo range - a deeply relaxing effect.
  • Sound effects and powerful subliminal suggestions - all compounding the overall effect.
  • Combines powerful hypnotherapy techniques with a state of the art digital recording technology.

Meditation MP3 Special Offer

This exclusive special offer features 14 of Glenn Harrold's bestselling hypnotherapy and meditation titles for just $134 (RRP $227)!

Download links will be made available instantly after purchase. Includes:

Develop Your Self-Confidence
Assert Yourself With Confidence
Build Your Self-Esteem
Star Meditation
Meditation for Inner Wisdom
Heal Your Inner Child
Overcome Anxiety
Raise Your Vibration
Morning Meditation
Public Speaking Confidence
Mindfulness for Gratitude 396 Hz Solfeggio Meditation
528 Hz Solfeggio Meditation 852 Hz Solfeggio Meditation
Guide To Self Hypnosis eBook About The Solfeggio Scale eBook


Develop Your Self Confidence (MP3 Download)

Overcome insecurity and build your self belief with this superb high quality self confidence hypnosis MP3 download by Glenn Harrold. Developing a positive attitude and a strong inner self belief will give you confidence and motivation to succeed. Hypnotherapy is uniquely effective in programming the mind to overcome self-doubt and gain self-confidence in a safe and natural way, free of any harmful side effects.

Track 1 will guide you into a deeply relaxed trance state. Utilising skilled hypnotherapy techniques it will help you to develop a powerful inner feeling of self-confidence. When you are in a deeply relaxed and receptive state you will absorb the multiple layered post hypnotic suggestions for developing real self-confidence. This track can help you overcome shyness, deal with blushing and feel generally more secure and empowered.

Track 2 is a hypnotherapy session called 'Confidence in Company', which will help you develop your confidence when you are in the company of other people or in any social situation. If you are due to go for an interview, make a speech, go on a new date, then this hypnosis recording will prepare you in the best way possible.

MP3 Track Listing:
1. Develop Your Self-Confidence (awake ending) 31:31 mins
2. Confidence In Company (sleep ending) 28:09 mins

Build Your Self Esteem (MP3 Download)

Overcome insecurity and build your self esteem with this superb high quality hypnosis MP3 Download by Glenn Harrold, the UK's best-selling self-help audio author. Glenn's unique hypnotherapy recording will help you to release old insecurities, anxiety and doubt and to develop a strong feeling of self-esteem and confidence. Hypnotherapy is a uniquely effective way of programming the mind to overcome self-doubt and to raise self esteem and Glenn's highly acclaimed hypnosis techniques and layered production will help you achieve these goals in a safe and natural way.

MP3 Track Listing:
1. Build Your Self-Esteem (awake ending) 34:13
2. Believe In Yourself (sleep ending) 33:30

Assert Yourself With Confidence - MP3 Download

Learn how to assert yourself with great confidence and self-belief with this powerful hypnosis recording by Glenn Harrold. This recording will guide you into a deeply relaxed hypnotic trance state. In this receptive state you will absorb a number of multiple layered post hypnotic suggestions for developing self-confidence and being assertive when you need to be.

When you assert yourself in a respectful and confident way people will always respond positively and Glenn's skilled hypnotherapy techniques will help you to become assertive and confident in a number of different social settings. This recording can also help you overcome shyness, self-doubt and help you to feel generally more empowered.

MP3 Track Listing:
1. Assert Yourself With Confidence (awake ending) 30:58 mins
2. Assert Yourself With Confidence (sleep ending) 33:31 mins

Morning Meditation (MP3 Download)

Welcome to a brand-new day! This guided meditation has been designed to help you begin your day with a renewed sense of purpose, energy and motivation. You can choose to listen to the 5 minute, 10 minute or 15 minute version.

This recording begins by helping you to clear away any negative energy in your auric field. In shamanic healing a feather is often used to clear the aura of blocks and stuck energy, and when you imagine this it can have the same effect.

You will then be guided to imagine a white protective light around your auric field which will protect you from negative energy throughout your day. You will feel very safe and protected when you imagine this shield around you.

Further into the recording there are a number of suggestions and affirmations to help you focus on feeling kind and compassionate those that you meet, and to convey positivity and love even in the face of any negativity. This meditation will help you remain calm and composed and in your power when you deal with any challenges or stressful situations during your day.

This meditation will also help you to cultivate a feeling of gratitude for the day ahead, and mindfully set your intention to live this day to the full.

MP3 Track Listing:
1. Morning Meditation - 5 Minute Version
2. Morning Meditation - 10 Minute Version
3. Morning Meditation - 15 Minute Version

Meditation for Inner Wisdom (MP3 Download)

'Meditation For Inner Wisdom' is a superb high quality meditation recording by the UK's best selling self-help audio author Glenn Harrold. Track one is a 37-minute guided meditation that will take you on a special journey through a garden, a woodland, and to a lake under a beautiful harvest moon. You will then be guided up to the magnificent stars of Orion.

It is a very visual recording and the subtle background soundscapes supporting Glenn's powerful voice will help you connect with a profound feeling of inner wisdom and love. Track two is an 11 minute affirmation only track.

Glenn created this recording to help people take on a higher perspective in these challenging and stressful times. The focus is very much on empowering the listener and connecting them to their spirituality.

Like all of Glenn's recordings it combines powerful meditation and hypnotherapy techniques with state of the art digital recording technology. The special background sound effects have been recorded in certain keys and frequencies to help enhance the meditation effect and guide you into a deep state of mental and physical relaxation. At the deepest point in the meditation you are given a number of post-hypnotic and direct suggestions to help you connect with your spirituality and a feeling of inner peace and wisdom.

There are also a number of background affirmations, which echo and pan from left to right across the stereo range, ideal when using headphones. This deeply relaxing and powerful method of delivering multiple suggestions simultaneously to the unconscious mind can facilitate positive changes very quickly.

MP3 Track Listing:
1. Meditation for Inner Wisdom (awake ending) 37:42
2. Affirmations for Inner Wisdom (awake ending) 11:11

Please note: Each track will gently bring you back to full waking consciousness at the end making them ideal for daytime use.

Meditation For Inner Wisdom Hypnosis MP3 ISBN: 9781905835331

Overcome Anxiety - MP3 Download

This powerful hypnosis recording by best-selling self-help author Glenn Harrold has been designed to help you overcome anxiety and feel much more calm and in control of your stress levels. The recording has a very warm feel to it and will guide you into a deeply relaxed and safe space. From this inner place you will be guided to release the causes of your anxiety in a safe way. You are then guided to create an anchor to help you feel calm and composed when you are faced with stressful situations in your everyday life.

The sound effect, echoed affirmations and main hypnotherapy track combine to create a powerful recording that will give you much more control of any feelings of anxiety. Glenn uses his unique and highly acclaimed hypnotherapy techniques to get to the heart of this common problem. It is recommended you use the recording regularly so you can work with the techniques and break free of any destructive conditioning. With regular use of the recording and by absorbing the post hypnotic suggestions, you will feel so much stronger inside and cope more easily with the ups and downs of life.

This is a real therapy track rather than just a relaxer and it will help you deal with the effects of many types of stress faced in modern day life. This powerful hypnosis recording will help you feel so much more in control in all areas of your life. This recording includes a 12-minute sleep booster for bedtime listening.

Track Listing
1. Overcome Anxiety (awake ending) 33:24
2. Overcome Anxiety (sleep ending) 35:29
3. 12 Minute Sleep Booster (sleep ending)

Please note: The first track has an awake ending and will gently bring you back to full waking consciousness, making it ideal for daytime use. The second and third tracks have a sleep ending and will guide you into a peaceful sleep at the end, making it ideal for night-time use.

Overcome Anxiety MP3 ISBN: 9781908321121

Raise Your Vibration (MP3 Download)

This beautiful meditation guides you on a healing journey of enlightenment and higher consciousness. The first part of the recording briefly explains how your vibrational energy works and the things you can do to raise your vibrational energy.

As the meditation opens up, Glenn guides you through a meadow where you can release any habits or earthly temptations of a low vibrational energy. As the meditation progresses and builds a momentum Glenn encourages you to raise your vibrational energy through a powerful combination of visual suggestion, posthypnotic suggestion, affirmations and music.

It is simple really as if you watch, read and listen to things of a high vibrational nature. You eat very lean and healthily, you exercise regularly and you meditate often your vibration will be very high and you experience life from a more refined place.

When you hold this energetic space and your vibration is high you will not be affected by fear or anxiety and life naturally becomes more abundant and a happier place. You are aiming for complete peace and harmony in mind and body.

MP3 Track Listing:
1. Raise Your Vibration (sleep ending) 27:17 mins

This session has a sleep ending and will guide you into a peaceful sleep at the end, making it ideal for night time use. However, it can be used at any time.

Raise Your Vibration MP3 ISBN: 9781908321152

Star Meditation (MP3 Download)

A high quality meditation session for relaxation and problem solving.

This guided meditation features Glenn Harrold's highly acclaimed vocal delivery and Ali Calderwood's beautiful moving background sounds, which work in perfect harmony with Glenn's vocal. With this powerful but gentle meditation you will float safely up to your star to a place of peace and tranquillity where you can view any problems or issues from a much higher perspective. By escaping from the pressures and distractions of everyday life your mind will feel clearer and peaceful and you will be empowered to find solutions. Star Meditation is based on an original script by Marie Williamson who is Glenn Harrold's Personal Assistant.

The magnetic healing quality of the music will draw you back to your centre of balance, allowing you to be in a deeper state of presence in your daily life. Within the music you will hear throat singing/chanting which has no actual translation, these sounds embody the energy of gratitude. This powerful recording is a completely safe and effective way of helping you to connect with yourself and find solutions to any problems or issues.

There are two tracks on the recording, the first has a wake up ending for daytime use, and the second has a go to sleep ending which is ideal for bedtime use.

MP3 Track Listing:
1. Star Meditation (awake ending) 33:08 mins
2. Star Meditation (sleep ending) 40:08 mins

Please note: The first track has an awake ending and will gently bring you back to full waking consciousness, making it ideal for daytime use. The second track has a sleep ending and will guide you into a peaceful sleep at the end, making it ideal for night-time use.

Public Speaking Confidence (MP3 Download)

Public Speaking Confidence is a superb high quality hypnosis recording by the UK's best selling self-help audio author Glenn Harrold. This double MP3 includes a supplementary track By Aly Harrold.

MP3 1 'Become The Speaker You Know You Can Be' is a 35-minute recording by Aly Harrold. This recording is full of tips and technical information to help you excel on your path to being an amazing Public Speaker.

MP3 2 by Glenn Harrold is a powerful hypnosis recording which will guide you into a deep state of mental and physical relaxation where you will receive hypnotic suggestions to help you deliver great speeches every time.

This recording includes two hypnotherapy tracks, the first one you can use in the daytime as it will guide you back to full waking consciousness at the end. The second track is identical except that it guides you into a sleep state at the end, which makes it ideal for using before you go to sleep at night. Both tracks include tried and tested techniques to get you into a peak performance state when you actually make your speech. This recording will help you to overcome any nerves and make very effective public speeches every time.

MP3 Track Listing:
1. Public Speaking Confidence Introduction - 02:46
2. Public Speaking Confidence Advice by Aly Harrold - 31:30
3. Public Speaking Confidence Hypnotherapy by Glenn Harrold (awake ending) - 29:36
4. Public Speaking Confidence Hypnotherapy by Glenn Harrold (sleep ending) - 38:05
5. Heavenly Dreams (music by Glenn Harrold) - 04:14

Mindfulness Meditation for Gratitude (MP3 Download)

Mindfulness Meditation for Gratitude MP3 Download

This is the fifth title in the series which has been designed to help you develop a very positive mind-set and a love of life.

The carefully scripted layers of hypnotherapy and progressive depth of this recording will help you develop a deep feeling of gratitude and abundance.

This recording features a beautiful meadow visualisation, which aims to help you feel more centred and in the present moment as you connect with nature. Being mindful makes it easier to notice and appreciate the pleasures in life as they unfold, and helps to change the way you react to stressful situations.

The recording can even induce feelings of joyfulness and euphoria and help you to feel more energized and alive. Developing a profound sense of gratitude will open up your creativity and allow you to see so much abundance around you.

MP3 Track Listing:
1. Mindfulness Meditation for Gratitude (sleep ending) 37:08 mins
2. Mindfulness Meditation for Gratitude - 10 minute version (awake ending) 10:00 mins

With regular use you will be much more in control of your feelings and be able cope more easily with the ups and downs of life.


Mindfulness Meditation for Gratitude MP3 ISBN: 9781908321336

396 Hz Solfeggio Meditation - Release Guilt & Fear (MP3 Download)

This is one of a series of six meditation recordings by Glenn Harrold and Ali Calderwood, which are based upon the ancient solfeggio musical scale. Each note in this scale has specific healing properties and this recording uses the first note, which resonates to a frequency of 396 Hz. This particular frequency works to release deep rooted feelings of guilt and fear and will also work with other similar emotional patterns such as shame, regret, self-doubt and low self-esteem all of which exist within the same vibrational energy.

Glenn Harrold's skilled vocal delivery and guided meditation combined with Ali Calderwood's deep and moving soundscapes tuned to 396 Hz combine to create an amazingly powerful meditation recording that has the potential to clear away blocks on a cellular level.

This recording can help you to release hidden layers of guilt, fear, shame and regret that are stored in your cellular memory and energetic fields. This title was created with much care and love and it has the potential to become one of Glenn's most effective recordings from his best-selling hypnosis and meditation series.

MP3 Track Listing:
1. 396 Hz Solfeggio Meditation (awake ending) 34:51 mins
2. 396 Hz Solfeggio Meditation (sleep ending) 44:11 mins

Please note: The first track has an awake ending and will gently bring you back to full waking consciousness, making it ideal for daytime use. The second track has a sleep ending and will guide you into a peaceful sleep at the end, making it ideal for night-time use

396 Hz Solfeggio Sonic Meditation MP3 ISBN: 9781905835416

528 Hz Solfeggio Meditation - Transformation & Miracles (MP3 Download)

This is one of a series of six meditation recordings by Glenn Harrold and Ali Calderwood, which are based upon the ancient solfeggio musical scale. Each note in this scale has specific healing properties and this recording uses the third note, which resonates to a frequency of 528 Hz and is associated with the colour gold and the element of fire. This frequency is described as the love frequency as it has the potential to bring about transformation and create miracles as well as repairing broken DNA. It can also help to overcome problems like fatigue, anxiety, control issues and negative thought patterns, all of which exist within the same vibrational energy.

Interestingly, 528 Hz is the exact frequency used by genetic biochemists to repair broken DNA so our ancestors who used this scale for healing and transformation knew the power these frequencies held.

Glenn Harrold's skilled vocal delivery and guided meditation combined with Ali Calderwood's deep and moving soundscapes tuned to 528 Hz combine to create an amazingly powerful meditation recording. By combining these sounds with a guided meditation, you also have the potential to release deep-rooted blockages. These compositions also contain an array of sacred instruments and sounds such as crystal bowls and didgeridoo and sacred chants, which work to further enhance the effects of the Solfeggio tones.

This recording contains two tracks, the first you can use in the daytime as it will guide you back to full waking consciousness at the end. The second track will guide you into a deep sleep state at the end, which makes it ideal for using before you go to sleep at night. When you are instructed to repeat affirmations, connect with positive feelings (e.g. happiness, joy, love), this will help you absorb the suggestions on a deeper level. You don't have to repeat the affirmations out loud but do make a strong connection with them.

You will be guided into a deep state of mental and physical relaxation and it is recommended that you listen through headphones while lying or sitting somewhere comfortable where you won't be disturbed. Listen every day initially for 21 days and then as and when you wish. However, this is purely a guideline and you can listen to the recordings as often as you like. It is important to remember that you are being guided, so you will always be in full control of the whole process. This powerful recording is a completely safe and effective way of helping you to clear away deep-rooted blocks on a cellular level and find peace.

MP3 Track Listing:
1. 528 Hz Solfeggio Meditation (awake) 37:11 mins
2. 528 Hz Solfeggio Meditation (sleep) 42:42 mins

Please note: The first track has an awake ending and will gently bring you back to full waking consciousness, making it ideal for daytime use. The second track has a sleep ending and will guide you into a peaceful sleep at the end, making it ideal for night-time use

528 Hz Solfeggio Sonic Meditation MP3 ISBN: 9781905835430

852 Hz Solfeggio Meditation - Awaken Your Intuition (MP3 Download)

This is one of a series of six meditation recordings by Glenn Harrold and Ali Calderwood, which are based upon the ancient solfeggio musical scale. Each note in this scale has specific healing properties and this recording resonates to a frequency of 852 Hz and is associated with the colour of indigo and the element of light.

Glenn Harrold's acclaimed vocal delivery and guided meditation combined with Ali Calderwood's deep and moving soundscapes tuned to 852 Hz combine to create an amazingly powerful meditation recording. By combining these sounds with a guided meditation, you have the potential to release deep-rooted blockages and negative patterns of behaviour.

This frequency will help you to awaken your intuition and connect with your inner light. It can also help with every day problems like headaches, lack of concentration, bad dreams, and nervousness, as all of these issues exist within the same vibrational energy.

The music includes an array of sacred instruments and sounds such as crystal bowls and didgeridoo and sacred chants, which work to further enhance the effects of the solfeggio tones.

MP3 Track Listing:
1. 852 Hz Solfeggio Meditation (awake) 35:11 mins
2. 852 Hz Solfeggio Meditation (sleep) 40:11 mins

Please note: The first track has an awake ending and will gently bring you back to full waking consciousness, making it ideal for daytime use. The second track has a sleep ending and will guide you into a peaceful sleep at the end, making it ideal for night-time use

852 Hz Solfeggio Sonic Meditation MP3 ISBN: 9781905835461

Heal Your Inner Child (MP3 Download)

This meditation recording by Glenn Harrold has been designed to help you heal your inner child of wounds, blockages, negative emotions and traumas from your past.

How would you like to reprogram your inner self at the deepest level to feel very secure and loved and to let go of any self-doubt, fears and worries? With Glenn's beautiful, nurturing recording you can do just that and develop a deep rooted belief that nothing can hold you back and that you can live life with complete freedom. This guided meditation takes you on a powerful journey where you will connect with your inner child where you will be encouraged to heal and nurture this aspect of yourself.

At all times you will feel safe and secure even if you feel emotional during the process, as emotional abreactions are often a part of inner child work when you clear old blocks from the past. And even though inner child work can be intense at times, when you clear old traumas you can begin to feel lighter and more like your real self.

This recording will help you give your inner child all the love and security they need and as a result you will feel so much stronger in yourself and be able to deal with the ups and downs of life with so much more confidence and self-belief.

Please note:
This recording has two versions, one for women and one for men so that it has a more personal feel to it. Please take care to select the right version.

It is recommended that you continue to use this recording as often as you can as the healing process can have a number of layers. This powerful hypnosis recording will help you become so much more creative and spontaneous in all areas of your life.

MP3 Track Listing:
1. Heal Your Inner Child (awake ending) 31:43 mins
2. Heal Your Inner Child (sleep ending) 33:11 mins
3. Feel Alive Now! (awake ending) 10:57 mins

Post hypnotic affirmations include:

  • My inner child continues to heal and grow stronger
  • I am loved and I accept myself completely
  • I deserved to be happy, healthy and healed
  • I love and cherish my inner child I believe in myself

Heal Your Inner Child MP3 ISBN: 9781905835553